boundless education center

meet your next level

Boundless Education Center offers a variety of opportunities to start your career as a Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor or Massage Therapist. From test prep to internship programs, we have everything you need to start a successful career & thrive in your field.

instructor training program

You want to be a nationally certified personal trainer or group fitness instructor but you’re not quite sure how to get started. This program is for students wishing to become certified personal trainers and or group fitness instructors.

Boundless offers expert tutoring for ACE, ACSM, AFAA & NASM exams. Once you’re certified, take the next step, enroll in our internship program to bridge your certification to real world experience. Boundless instructor training  program include observation, private lessons, “the business of fitness” workshops as well as anatomy & kinesiology clinics.


thai massage training and cupping education

After the completion of a massage therapy program, very few therapist receive ongoing training to improve body mechanics or technique diversification and mastery to prevent career related injury and burnout. Did you know the burn out/injury rate for massage therapist, 3 to 5 years after graduation is 50 – 88%?

With more than a decade experience running a successful massage practice, Boundless provides Thai massage training and cupping education programs that include practical treatment application, technique and treatment strategy, indication and contraindication sessions, anatomy lectures & kinesiology workshops. Our programs will guide you to becoming a truly effective and injury-free massage therapist. 

Looking forward to connecting!

